10 Tips for a Cleaner, Greener Planet - Earth Day

As we think about how we can make our environment better, the task can seem overwhelming. You might ask. “What can I do? I’m just one person.”
But, there’s a lot you can do. It all starts with being intentional. You have to intentionally choose to make decisions that matter and be willing to put your money where your mouth is.
Taking care of your health is the first step in caring for this planet we call earth. When you’re healthy, you won’t need all of the medications and supplements that often pollute our water and kill our wildlife.

You’ll avoid using personal care products with harmful chemicals. These items are not only dangerous to your body but also the environment. We must be willing to spend a little extra to buy locally grown or organic foods that are safer and more nutritious.
When you think about it, there’s plenty we can do and if we work together, we’ll make a tremendous impact.
Here are a few ideas to get you started.
Bring your own reusable grocery/shopping bags to the store.
Invest in a high-quality glass or stainless steel water bottle and avoid buying plastic water bottles.
Stop using harmful toxic fertilizers and pesticides. Buy or make safer options.
Buy or make your own cleaning products with common non-toxic ingredients.
Cut down on your driving by combining errands and walking when possible.
Use cloth napkins instead of paper and fabric dishcloths for spills instead of paper towels.
Use paper plates instead of foam plates for outdoor eating.
Avoid buying single serving items. Buy in bulk.
Shop and buy local when possible to support local businesses, but also to cut down on the number of trucks transporting products across the country.
Support companies that use recyclable packaging like Thrive Market.

One thing we have to do is to teach the next generation how to do a better job taking care of our health and our planet.
So, what are some things that you and your family can start doing today? Nothing is too small. You just have to take the first step.